Bookworms Library 5: The Riddle of the Sands (Book Only) | 拾書所

Bookworms Library 5: The Riddle of the Sands (Book Only)

$ 230 元 原價 230

When Carruthers joins his friend Arthur Davies on his yacht Dulcibella, he is expecting a pleasant sailing holiday in the Baltic Sea. But the holiday turns into an adventure of a different kind. He and Davies soon find themselves sailing in the stormy waters of the North Sea, exploring the channels and sandbanks around the German Frisian Islands, and looking for a secret - a secret that could mean great danger for England. Erskine Childers' novel, published in 1903, was the first great modern spy story, and is still as exciting to read today as it was a hundred years ago.

Carruthers搭著他朋友─Arthur Davies的遊艇Dulcibella號一起來到波羅的海,原本他期待這是一個愉快的海上度假,然而,一切卻徹底變成冒險。Carruthers和Arthur很快便發現他們來到了波濤洶湧的北海,他們經過德國弗羅西亞群島周圍的渠道與沙洲,他們也在尋找一個秘密─讓英格蘭陷入危機。本小說由Erskine Childers寫作,於1903年發行,為第一本現代偵察故事,即使過了百年,仍然帶給讀者刺激感。

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