Who Was King Tut? 圖坦卡門 | 拾書所

Who Was King Tut? 圖坦卡門

$ 210 元 原價 210
Ever since Howard Carter uncovered King Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922, the young pharaoh has become a symbol of the wealth and mystery of ancient Egypt.

Now, a two-and-a-half-year-long museum exhibit of Tut’s treasures is touring major cities in the U.S., drawing record crowds. This Who Was . . . ? is complete with 100 black-andwhite illustrations and explains the life and times of this ancient Egyptian ruler, covering the story of the tomb’s discovery, as well as myths and so-called mummy curses.
圖坦卡門是新王國時代中的一位法老王,統治時期約在西元前14世紀,父親-阿肯那頓王過世,圖坦卡門這個九歲的男孩便繼承了王位,舊朝元老將他改名「圖坦卡門」,再度恢復對阿蒙神的信仰。這些前朝元老握著政治實權,圖坦卡門空有其名,從未真正統治過國家,並在十 八歲時就結束了短暫的一生。

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