朗文英漢雙解商業英語辭典(精裝本) | 拾書所


$ 1,100 元 原價 1,100
●一些商業專用的詞彙未必在一般英漢詞典中收錄。本辭典是為各行各業商界人士、行政管理人員、祕書及商科學生「度身訂做」的日常參考書。 ●本辭典收詞量達13,000多條,內容涵蓋會計、金融、保險、證券交易、銀行業、管理、財政等,為同類工具書中收錄詞條範圍最廣的。 ●全書內容英漢雙解,中英文定義清楚簡明。另一獨特之處,是其包含中國大陸、台灣、香港三地的中文譯名,配合現時的需要。 ●書中提供的17個實用附錄,包括商業英語常用縮略詞等。 ●適合:商界人士、行政管理人員、祕書及商科學生

* Suitability: Business people, executives, secretaries, business students
* Many terms used in everyday business activities may not be listed in ordinary standard dictionaries. Therefore, this dictionary is a practical reference book tailor-made for business people, executives, secretaries and business students.
* This dictionary contains more than 13,000 entries covering various business fields, such as accounting, finance, insurance, securities trading, banking, administration, and many others. It provides clear and concise English and Chinese definitions for these entries. More valuable is that terms with different Chinese translations used in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong are clearly stated.
*17 very useful appendices are provided, such as Common Business Abbreviations.



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