The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 潛水鐘與蝴蝶 | 拾書所

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 潛水鐘與蝴蝶

$ 455 元 原價 455
●這是一個關於愛與勇氣的故事,也是珍惜生命的感人之旅,原著小說在台灣賣出30萬本的佳績。 1995年、鮑比還是法國時尚雜誌Elle的總編輯,才情俊逸,開朗健談,熱愛人生。然而,到了年底,44歲的他突然腦幹中風,全身癱瘓,不能言語,只剩下左眼還有作用。在友人的協助下,靠著眨動左眼,他一個字母一個字母地寫下這本不同尋常的回憶錄。 出書後二天,他去世。但他告訴世人,他被禁錮的靈魂永遠活著。

●In 1995, Jean-Dominique Bauby was the editor-in-chief of French Elle, the father of two young childen, a 44-year-old man known and loved for his wit, his style, and his impassioned approach to life. By the end of the year he was also the victim of a rare kind of stroke to the brainstem.  After 20 days in a coma, Bauby awoke into a body which had all but stopped working: only his left eye functioned, allowing him to see and, by blinking it, to make clear that his mind was unimpaired. Almost miraculously, he was soon able to express himself in the richest detail: dictating a word at a time, blinking to select each letter as the alphabet was recited to him slowly, over and over again. In the same way, he was able eventually to compose this extraordinary book.

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