The Hummingbird’s Daughter 蜂鳥的女兒 | 拾書所

The Hummingbird’s Daughter 蜂鳥的女兒

$ 280 元 原價 280

●媽媽生下泰瑞西塔就拋棄她,她常常挨打挨餓,好容易找到生父,成為農場大地主的么女,誰知道,更悲慘的命運才剛剛拉開序幕…… 泰瑞西在墨西哥真有其人,其故事如聖女貞德般神奇。此小說被譽為「唯一能夠媲美馬奎斯《百年孤寂》的拉丁美洲魔幻寫實小說!」

 ●From one of America's most beloved authors, a tale of miracles and passion Teresita is not an ordinary girl. Born of an illiterate, poor Indian mother, she knows little about her past or her future. She has no idea that her father is Don Tomas Urrea, the wild and rich owner of a vast ranch in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. She has no idea that Huila, the elderly healer who takes Teresita under her wing, knows secrets about her destiny. And she has no idea that soon all of Mexico will rise in revolution, crying out her name.
When Teresita is but a teenager, learning from Huila the way plants can cure the sick and prayer can move the earth, she discovers an even greater gift: she has the power to heal. Her touch, like warm honey, melts pain and suffering. But such a gift can be a burden, too. Before long, the Urrea ranch is crowded with pilgrims and with agents of a Mexican government wary of anything that might threaten its power.
A spectacular novel as grand as a western sunset, The Hummingbird's Daughter is the story of a girl coming to terms with her destiny, with the miraculous, and with the power of faith. It is the tale of a father discovering what true love is and a daughter recognizing that sometimes true love requires true sacrifice. Full of cowboys and outlaws, Indian warriors and cantina beauties, silly men who drink too much and desert women who in their dreams travel to the seashore, The Hummingbird's Daughter is Luis Urrea's majestic masterpiece, the story of one girl's life and the swollen heart of all Mexico.


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