Penguin Young Readers 2: Nina, Nina, Star Ballerina | 拾書所

Penguin Young Readers 2: Nina, Nina, Star Ballerina

$ 145 元 原價 145

The heroine of the bestselling "Nina, Nina Ballerina" returns for an encore performance. This time she's playing a star in the dance class show. But her friends think she's the "star"! What's Nina to do? Color illustrations.

暢銷書《Nina, Nina Ballerina》中的女主角回來安可演出囉!這次她將在舞蹈課表演中演出星星,可是她的朋友卻認為她是整場演出的明星!她該怎麼辦呢?本書為全彩插圖。

 Age Range: 6 - 8 years

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