The Edge Chronicles #4: The Curse of the Gloamglozer (370頁) | 拾書所

The Edge Chronicles #4: The Curse of the Gloamglozer (370頁)

$ 455 元 原價 455
Oh, Sky above!’ Linius wailed. ‘If I had known then what I know now…’ Quint, son of a sky pirate captain, and new apprentice to Linius Pallitax, the Most High Academe, has been set some highly important tasks. Just how important, Quint is about to find out as he and Linius’s only daughter, Maris, are plunged into a terrifying adventure that takes them deep within the rock upon which Sanctaphrax is built. Here, they unwittingly invoke an ancient curse — the curse of the gloamglozer… A dramatic and exuberant fantasy filled with colourful characters and illustrated with exquisite detail.


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