There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom (Ages 8-12) | 拾書所

There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom (Ages 8-12)

$ 280 元 原價 280

Bradley是學校裡的問題學生,老師們放棄他、同學們嘲笑他,而Bradley更是自暴自棄的以壞學生自居。但這一切在新來的輔導老師Mrs. Carla努力下有了轉變,Mrs. Carla不但傾聽Bradley的想法,更引導Bradley去發現自已的內心與能力。似乎一切都往好的方向前進,突然間Mrs. Carla被迫離職,這樣突如其來的變化,對於正在逐漸改變的Bradley會有什麼影響呢? 
在現今不安全感與不幸褔感比率逐漸攀升的孩子心裡,或許都潛藏一個Bradley,當孩子們在閱讀此書時,可以站在另一角度來思考自己的問題。而老師與家長們,也可從書中學校與Mrs. Carla二極的教育方式做個省思。

Bradley Chalkers IS the oldest kid in the fifth grade. He tells enormous lies. He picks fights with girls. No one likes him—except Carla, the new school counselor. She thinks Bradley is sensitive and generous, and knows that Bradley could change, if only he weren’t afraid to try. But when you feel like the most-hated kid in the whole school, believing in yourself can be the hardest thing in the world.




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