Barron’s American Slang Dictionary and Thesaurus (絕版售完為止) | 拾書所

Barron’s American Slang Dictionary and Thesaurus (絕版售完為止)

$ 525 元 原價 525

This unique reference volume is two books in one: a dictionary of slang and a slang thesaurus, with both sections treating the same words and phrases. And this is one poshed up volume! Entries are arranged alphabetically in the dictionary and thematically in the thesaurus, and include definition, pronunciation, part of speech—and origins, usage information, and usage alerts when applicable—in both the thesaurus and the dictionary. All entry words are visually coded to help you distinguish slang that is potentially objectionable from other slang, and all synonyms are coded for the level of formality (formal, informal, no register) and separated by part of speech. This gives you more information about the potential effects of your word choice on your audience, so you have a much better chance than with a "regular" thesaurus of picking the right word for your particular context the first time.

Graphics and brief articles are added to show you slang "under the hood"—the patterns and features that characterize slang usage. With this book, you'll be able to find out how the screaming meemies got their name, why someone might be offended if you use the apparently inoffensive word crumbs, which words that mean "to kill" also mean "to cause riotous laughter," and easily distinguish whether someone is an old fart, a son of a bitch, or just a silly ass. Here is a handy reference book for students, word buffs, and professional writers— a title that merits a place in every reference library. Printed throughout in two colors.


本書為二合一的實用參考書,包含英語俚語字典和同義詞典,皆收錄相同字彙與片語。本書為精裝版。字典條目依字母排序,詞典則採主題式歸納,但兩本的內容皆包含定義、發音、詞類、字源、用法、用字習慣。所有字彙皆搭配圖片說明,幫助讀者分辨容易造成不愉快的俚語,而避免使用;同義詞則按正式程度排列 (正式、非正式和其他),並依詞類編纂。本書提供讀者用字選擇的依據,為說話內容帶來更好的效果,根據不同語境選擇更好的用字。透過圖片和短文併用的模式,充分說明俚語的用法。藉由本書可以了解「歇斯底里」 (screaming meemies) 得名的由來;你可能在無意中冒犯他人,只因為使用看似無礙,實卻隱含負面意思的字詞,例如「殺」(to kill) 和「大笑」(to cause riotous laughter) 的意思。本書也能幫助讀者輕易歸類某人是老屁股 (an old fart)、狗娘養的 (a son of a bitch) 或只是頭大蠢驢 (a silly ass)。本書適合學生、文字愛好者、專業作家等使用,也非常適合圖書館收藏。本書採雙色印刷。

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