Bud, Not Buddy 我叫巴德,不叫巴弟 | 拾書所

Bud, Not Buddy 我叫巴德,不叫巴弟

$ 221 元 原價 280

★ 美國紐伯瑞兒童文學金牌獎

It's 1936 Flint, Michigan. Times may be hard, and 10-year-old Bud may be a motherless boy, but Bud's got a few things going for him: 1. He has his own suitcase full of special things; 2. He's the author of “Bud Caldwell's Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself”; 3. His momma never told him who his father was, but she left a clue: posters of Herman E. Calloway and his band of renown, the Dusky Devastators of the Depression.

Bud is sure those posters will lead him to his father. Once he decides to hit the road, nothing can stop him, not hunger, not fear, not would-be vampires, not even Herman E. Calloway himself.

 1936  年正值經濟蕭條,時局艱困,在密西根州的佛林特市,年僅 10 歲的巴德失去了母親,儘管如此,他仍擁有一個裝滿特殊物品的行李箱,他還自創了「巴德.卡德威創造有趣生活、成為超級騙聖守則」獨家秘笈,雖然巴德的媽媽從沒告訴巴德誰是他的父親,但她留了一條線索:張賀曼. E .卡洛威和其知名樂團「大蕭條黑暗暴客」的傳單。
巴德相信這些傳單一定能讓他找到父親,因此他決定踏上旅程,什麼也無法阻止他前行,不論是飢餓、恐懼或是未來的「吸血鬼」,甚至是賀曼. E .卡洛威也阻止不了巴德。

 Age Range: 9 - 12 years

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