The Grey King: The Dark is Rising Sequence 灰大王 | 拾書所

The Grey King: The Dark is Rising Sequence 灰大王

$ 221 元 原價 280
★ 美國紐伯瑞兒童文學金牌獎

There is a Welsh legend about a harp of gold, hidden within a certain hill, that will be found by a boy and a white dog with silver eyes -- a dog that can see the wind. Will Stanton knew nothing of this when he came to Wales to recover from a severe illness. But when he met Bran, a strange boy who owned a white dog, he began to remember. For Will is the last-born of the Old Ones, immortals dedicated to saving the world from the forces of evil, the Dark. And it is Will's task to wake-with the golden harp -- the six who must be roused from their long slumber in the Welsh hills to prepare for the last battle between the Dark and the Light.

威爾斯民間傳說中,有個男孩將帶著銀眸白犬找到藏於山中的金豎琴,傳說銀眸白犬能看見風。威爾.斯坦頓重病康復後回到威爾斯休養,他對傳說之事一無所知,直到他遇見飼有一條白犬的古怪男孩布蘭,他才想起這則傳說。威爾發現他是古老光明族最後誕生的族人,他們擁有不朽的身軀,努力保衛世界、對抗來自黑暗勢力的威脅。威爾的使命則是帶著金豎琴,激發 6 個藏於威爾斯山中長眠的古老符號,並藉此和黑暗對抗、捍衛光明。

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