Quantitative Methods in Linguistics | 拾書所

Quantitative Methods in Linguistics

  • 出版日期: 2008-01-01
  • ISBN碼: 9781405144254
  • 編號: gds20131110000401ve2
$ 1,100 元 原價 1,100
●Quantitative Methods in Linguistics introduces general strategies and methods for quantitative analysis of linguistic data. The book dedicates individual chapters to phonetics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and syntax, as well as having two introductory chapters on probability distribution and quantitative methods.
Each chapter uses actual data sets which have been contributed by researchers working in the field to illustrate key principles. The book also provides detailed instruction in practical aspects of handling quantitative linguistic data by using the statistical software package "R" discover patterns in quantitative data and to test linguistic hypotheses. End-of-chapter assignments and a balanced presentation make this an ideal text for students.


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