Evans reading :Classic Collection (10 titles) | 拾書所

Evans reading :Classic Collection (10 titles)

  • 出版日期: 2008-01-01
  • ISBN碼: 9780237535520
  • 編號: gds20131110000404qhc
$ 500 元 原價 500


Evans出版FTC閱讀系列全新推出精選盒裝套書,內含10本最受喜愛的經典故事,讓您一次擁有。10個故事分別為:A Christmas Carol, Frankenstein, Treasure Island, Call of the Wild, Oliver Twist,Black Beauty, Kidnapped, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea。

(外盒尺寸:20.4x13.3x6.7cm/書本尺寸:19.9x13cm/Retold by Pauline Francis/單書不附聽力CD/書籍內頁黑白印刷/2008年出版/www.evansbooks.co.uk)

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