Who Was Jackie Robinson? 傑基.羅賓森 | 拾書所

Who Was Jackie Robinson? 傑基.羅賓森

$ 210 元 原價 210
As a kid,Jackie Robinson loved sports.And why not? He was a natural at football,basketball,and,of course,baseball.But beyond athletic skill,it was his strength of character that secured his place in sports history. In 1947 Jackie joined the Brooklyn Dodgers,breaking the long-time color barrier in major league baseball.

It was tough being first— not only did "fans" send hate mail but some of his own teammates refused to accept him.Here is an inspiring sports biography,with black-and-white illustrations throughout.

Jackie Robinson從小就是個喜愛運動的孩子。他足球、籃球還有棒球運動都很有天賦。除了運動技能之外,他的性格優勢鞏固了他在體育史上的地位。 1947年,Jackie 加入洛杉磯道奇隊,打破了棒球大聯盟長久以來的種族隔閡。

最初是很艱難的 ,「黑粉」不僅發送謾罵郵件,連他自己的隊友也拒絕接受他。這是一本搭配黑白插圖且鼓舞人心的體育傳記。

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