The I'm Not Scared Book | 拾書所

The I'm Not Scared Book

$ 420 元 原價 420

Sometimes I'm scared of dogs. I'm not scared when they give me kisses.

Sometimes I'm scared I will make a mistake. I'm not scared when I know I tried my best.

With his signature blend of playfulness and sensitivity, Todd Parr explores the subject More...of all things scary and assures readers that all of us are afraid sometimes.

透過小男孩的角度看世界,有時我怕犯錯,但當我盡力時我就不再害怕!童言童語教小孩良好的道德觀 。

泰德‧帕爾(Todd Parr)以一貫詼諧略帶感性的口吻,帶領讀者一窺許多令人害怕的東西;這趟旅程會讓你明白,原來每個人都不免會有感到害怕的時候。

 Age Range: 3 - 6 years

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