活用1000商英字彙:萬種詞組讓你溝通更順暢 | 拾書所


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《1000 Essential Words for Business English》羅列了1,000個職場中最常使用的商業英文單字,搭配多個應用詞組構成實用例句,不僅能讓讀者懂得怎麼用,更幫助讀者了解如何才能應用的更好!

以 opinion「意見」這個大家熟知的字為例,應該要用什麼樣的動詞來搭配它比較適合呢?
例如have an opinion「有意見」、express an opinion「表達意見」,或是voice an opinion「說出意見」,但當你對著native speaker說say an opinion時就顯得不自然了。

所以連帶學會這些相關搭配詞組(collocation),你才能真正活用 opinion這個字。用這樣的方式學習英文,才能將你已知的字彙發揮最大效用! 
簡介 Introduction 2
企業組織篇 Around the office/Company Structure/Legal/ Safety and Security/Work Environment 2

經營管理篇 Business Management and Strategy/Market Conditions/Plans and Forecasts/Policies and Procedures/Research and Development/Reviewing and Analyzing 2

財務金融篇 Banking/Budget/Construction and Real Estate/Finance and Accounting 2

內部溝通篇 Behaviors, Emotions and Feelings/Communication/Co-Workers and Teams/Discussions and Opinions/Discussions and Options/Meetings and Conferences 2

人事層面篇 Managing People/Performance/Recruiting and Interviewing/Training and Education 2

業務協商篇 Daily Tasks/Execution/External Business Factors/Negotiations/Taking on Problems 2簡報報告篇 Presentations/Proposals and Reports 2

製造生產篇 Manufacturing/Quality/Schedules, Deadlines and Commitments/Suppliers and Partners/Trends/ Values and Qualities 2

物流裝運篇 Inventory and Supply/Shipping and Logistics 2

廣告公關篇 Marketing/Public Relations 2

顧客服務篇 Clients and Customers/Products and Services/When Things Go Wrong 2

其他分類篇 Computers/Entertaining/Government Relations/Healthcare/Travel 索引Index


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