朗文英漢雙解英語成語辭典 | 拾書所


$ 900 元 原價 900
適合:中學或以上程度學生、英語達中級或以上程度,日常需使用英語的讀者 Suitability: Students at senior secondary level or above, general users of English at intermediate level or above

本辭典收錄英語成語近 5,000 條,釋義詳盡深入,並使用近 6,000 條取材自日常生活的例句來展示成語的用法,幫助讀者靈活運用。書中並講解文法及成語的來源,以加深讀者對成語的認識。


This dictionary gives you the meanings, grammatical information and brief origins of 5,000 English idioms. 6,000 example sentences, most of them taken from typical real-life written and verbal situations, are provided to show you how to use English in a more creative way. Detailed grammatical information is given to demonstrate correct usage of every idiom. Both IPA and KK phonetic symbols are available.

Useful appendices such as English translations of Chinese idioms make this dictionary even more valuable.

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