《中華文化短文讀寫加強本》 (簡體版) | 拾書所

《中華文化短文讀寫加強本》 (簡體版)

$ 300 元 原價 300
本書為《遠東兒童中華文化》及《遠東兒童中華文化2》的延伸學習教材,適用對象為有基礎華語文能力的青少年以及準備參加美國AP中文考試的高中生。有鑒於瞭解中華文化乃是習得華語文的基石,本書從上述兩本優質中華文化教材中,精選最能代表中華文化的主題文章二十篇,輔以加強讀、寫能力的練習題目,使學生在吸收中華文化特色的同時,華語文能力也有所增益。本書以增進華語文讀、寫能力的練習題目為主體,係根據短文內容而設計。命題方向為字形、字音、字義、詞義、詞性、句型、寫作等進階實用練習,題型豐富。本書的另一重點為針對美國的AP中文考試,學生能夠藉由題材豐富的短文及靈活多變的題型,理解中華文化的精髓,比較中美文化和語法的差異,提升語言使用的表達溝通能力及資訊接收能力,在考試中先馳得點。Far East Chinese Culture Enrichment Activities for Reading and Writing (Simplified Character)This workbook is suitable for both elementary and secondary schools. It is also a good self-study resource for strengthening language skills. In addition, it is recommended as a supplementary resource for high school students who are preparing for the Chinese AP Examination. To maximize effectiveness, first read through the texts and review the definitions for the vocabulary words. Then, do the exercises provided. Working through these engaging activities will lead to becoming more adept at comprehending the linguistic, structural and grammatical features of the language as well as applying one's reading and writing skills to other academic disciplines. The accompanying CD can help the learner improve pronunciation, including tones, as well as to more effectively master the course content.


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