Alexander, Who's Not (Do you Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move(家庭-搬家) | 拾書所

Alexander, Who's Not (Do you Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move(家庭-搬家)

$ 245 元 原價 245

★ 汪培珽《培養孩子的英文耳朵》推薦書單

●Alexander knew it was going to be a terrible day when he woke up with gum in this hair.
●And it got worse... His best friend deserted him. There was no dessert in his lunch bag. And, on top of all that, there were lima beans for dinner and kissing on TV!
●This handsome new edition of Judith Viorst's classic picture book is sure to charm readers of all ages.

● 亞歷山大一早起床發現頭髮黏著口香糖時,他就有預感今天一定是糟糕的一天
● 讓事態更糟糕的事,他最好的朋友竟然拋下他,他的午餐盒裏頭竟沒有點心。最糟的是,晚餐只能吃皇帝豆跟看無聊的羅曼劇!
● 朱迪思•凡爾斯特經典圖畫書新版本,絕對會讓所有讀者愛上它!

Age Range: 5 - 8 years

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