Easy Reader Classics: The Story of Dr. Doctor Dolittle #4: Doctor Dolittle’s Magical Cure (書+CD) | 拾書所

Easy Reader Classics: The Story of Dr. Doctor Dolittle #4: Doctor Dolittle’s Magical Cure (書+CD)

$ 200 元 原價 200
Now that Doctor Dolittle has successfully reunited Circus Crocodile and his mother, he and his animal friends can finally turn their thoughts to home. Then, King Lion sends a desperate message: his cub is very ill. But the doctor s bag of medicines was lost in the shipwreck! Will he be able to find a cure for the sick Prince? Kids will eagerly turn the pages to see." 

現在,Dolittle醫生已經成功地讓Circus Crocodile和他的母親團圓了,他和他的動物朋友終於可以回家了。然後,獅子王發出絕望的信息:他的孩子病得很厲害。但在沉船事故中,醫生丟了藥袋!他能找到方法治療生病的獅子王子嗎?孩子們必定會很期待地翻頁一探究竟。

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