Bookworms Library Starter: Oranges in the Snow (Book Only) | 拾書所

Bookworms Library Starter: Oranges in the Snow (Book Only)

$ 185 元 原價 185

Everything's ready now. We can do the experiment,' says your assistant Joe. You are the famous scientist Mary Durie working in a laboratory in Alaska. When you discover something very new and valuable, other people want to try to steal your idea - can you stop them before they escape?

「全部都準備好了,我們可以開始做實驗」你的助理Joe告訴你。你是一個非常有名的科學家─Mary Durie,在阿拉斯加的一間實驗所工作。當你發現些最新又很有價值的東西,其他人想竊取你的想法,你能夠在他們逃跑前阻止他們嗎?

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