Mosaic 1 第五版 (Reading)(with 1CD) | 拾書所

Mosaic 1 第五版 (Reading)(with 1CD)

$ 520 元 原價 520
內容特色:●本套書共18冊,由初階到高級,全方位全新規劃。透過語言交流活動,完整教導聽說讀寫技能的整合, 奠定實的學術基礎,參加全民英檢、多益和托福等各種英語測驗也能得心應手,獲取高分。本書選材宏觀,與世界潮流同步,滿足現代學生的需求。單元主題趣味高,聽說讀寫技能相互呼應,不斷循環應用所學字彙與文法。強調字彙累積、應考技巧和判斷力的培養,使學業精進。聽力著重策略學習和對話理解,口語訓練獨立思考和自由發揮;閱讀強化吸收能力和延伸思考;寫作教授破題切入和如何修正與結尾。●Interaction/ Mosaic Silver Edition is a fully-integrated, 18-Book, academic skills series. Language proficiencies are articulated from the beginning through advanced levels within each of the four language skill strands. Chapter themes articulate across the four strands to systematically recycle content, vocabulary, and grammar.●New to the Silver EditionWorld's most popular and comprehensive academic skills series- thoroughly updated for today's global learners.Enhanced focus on vocabulary building, test taking, and critical thinking skills promotes academic achievement.Focus on testing strategies and practice for the TOEFL iBT builds invaluable test taking skills.New "Best Practices" approach in Teacher's Edition promotes excellence in language teaching.


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