Young Camille befriends a strange visitor to his small town, and one day he brings this man a gift of bright, beautiful sunflowers.
The man is the artist Vincent van Gogh, and the sunflowers quickly become the subject of a magnificent painting.
This is a title in Barron Anholt Artists Books for Children series, in which author and illustrator Laurence Anholt recalls memorable and sometimes amusing moments when the lives of the artists were touched by children.
Anholt fine illustrations appear on every page and include reproductions of works by the artists.
書中,名作家兼插畫家Laurence Anholt透過小男孩Camille的角度,來說梵谷的故事,書中除了有知名的畫作--向日葵外,還有他為Camille一家人所畫的畫像,梵谷一生孤寂,但在Laurence Anholt筆觸和畫風下將他的故事展現的溫暖,讓讀者更感受到梵谷畫作的魅力。
全系列5冊,分別為梵古、竇加、畢卡索、莫內、達文西。名作家兼插畫家Laurence Anholt親自執筆,將偉大藝術家的作品及真人事蹟融合,透過主人翁與藝術家們的相遇、相識,讓讀者更瞭解藝術家們的生平與個性…
Age Range: 4 - 8 years