Transgressions Vol.1 違法之徒 | 拾書所

Transgressions Vol.1 違法之徒

$ 280 元 原價 280
●New York Times bestsellers Lawrence Block and Jeffrey Deaver each provided a brand-new, never-before-published tale for this unique collection of stories edited by New York Times bestselling author and mystery legend Ed McBain. ●“Keller’s Adjustment,” by Lawrence Block: Block returns to everyone’s favorite hitman, Keller, from his bestsellers The Hit Man and The Hit List. In the Aftermath of 9/11, Keller is questioning his life and the choices he’s made, dealing out philosophy and murder on a meandering road trip from one end of the America to the other. ●“Forever” by Jeffery Deaver: Talbot Simms is an unusual cop. He’s a statistician with the Westbrook County Sheriff’s Department. When wealthy county resident’s begin killing themselves one after another, Simms begins to believe that there is something more at play. And what he discovers will change his life . . . forever.

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