Bookworms Library 3: Go Lovely Rose & other Stories (Book Only) (絕版售完為止) | 拾書所

Bookworms Library 3: Go Lovely Rose & other Stories (Book Only) (絕版售完為止)

$ 215 元 原價 215

A warm summer night. The moon shines down on the quiet houses and gardens. Everyone is asleep. Everyone except the man in pyjamas and slippers, standing on the wet grass at the end of his garden, watching and waiting. In these three short stories, H. E. Bates presents ordinary people like you and me. But as we get to know them better, we see that their feelings are not at all ordinary. In fact, what happens to them - and in them - is passionate, and even extraordinary. Could this happen to you and me?

溫暖的夏天夜晚,月光照耀在寧靜的房子與花園。大家都睡了,只有一個男人,穿著睡衣和拖鞋,站在花園盡頭的濕草地上,不知道他在看什麼,似乎等待著什麼。書中共有三個短篇故事,由H. E. Bates寫作,故事主角們看似和我們一樣普通,但深入了解後,他們並不完全這麼普通。其實所有發生在他們的事情都是非常特別的,而這些事會不會發生在你我身上呢?

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