Bookworms Library 2: Dead Man's Island (Book Only) | 拾書所

Bookworms Library 2: Dead Man's Island (Book Only)

$ 200 元 原價 200

Mr Ross lives on an island where no visitors come. He stops people from taking photographs of him. He is young and rich, but he looks sad. And there is one room in his house which is always locked. Carol Sanders and her mother come to the island to work for Mr Ross. Carol soon decides that there is something very strange about Mr Ross. Where did he get his money from? How can a young man buy an island? So she watches, and she listens - and one night she learns what is behind the locked door.

Mr. Ross住在一個無人島上。他既年輕又很富有,然而,他看起來卻充滿悲傷。在他所住的房子裡,有一間房間終日鎖著。Carol Sanders與她的母親到這個島上為Mr. Ross做事。很快的,Carol發現有關Mr. Ross一些奇怪的事情。他怎麼會這麼有錢?一個年輕的男子怎麼能夠買一座島嶼?Carol開始仔細觀察,仔細聆聽,直到有天晚上,她發現那道上鎖的門背後藏了什麼東西。

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