<女妖瑟西的宮殿>描述尤里西斯在特洛伊戰爭後返家的途中,如何幸運逃過女妖瑟西的迷惑,安然回到家鄉。尤里西斯因天使漢密斯 (Hermes) 的協助,不受瑟西與島上女妖們的迷惑,解救了變成豬的屬下,將他們恢復為人身。
You have probably read shorter versions of these famous legends in other books. Here you can enjoy a more elaborate recounting of these 3 famous tales.
Follow Theseus through the labyrinth built by Daedalus and witness the slaying of the monstrous Minotaur. Discover the secret of Ulysses victory over Circe, a wicked queen who turns people into animals that resemble their character. Then sail with Jason and the Argonauts in search of the golden fleece, that's protected by a fierce dragon.
These are stories that form the basis of western literature and give us an insight into the foundations of western culture.