Who Was Thomas Jefferson? 湯瑪斯.傑佛遜 | 拾書所

Who Was Thomas Jefferson? 湯瑪斯.傑佛遜

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Did you know that John Adams had to coax Thomas Jefferson into writing the Declaration of Independence? It's true. The shy Virginia statesman refused at first, but then went on to author one of our nation's most important and inspiring documents. The third U.S. president, Jefferson was also an architect, inventor, musician, farmer, and-what is certainly the most troubling aspect of his life-a slave owner. Finally, here's a biography for kids that unveils the many facets of this founding father's remarkable and complicated life.

湯瑪斯·傑佛遜 美國第三任總統,美國獨立宣言之主要撰稿人,獻身於美國的政治文化與民間文化。除了政治事業外,傑佛遜同時也是農業學、園藝學、建築學、詞源學、考古學、數學、密碼學、測量學、與古生物學等學科的專家;又身兼作家、律師、與小提琴手;也是維吉尼亞大學之創辦者。許多人認為他是歷任美國總統中,智慧最高者。

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