Who Was Ronald Reagan ? 隆納.雷根 | 拾書所

Who Was Ronald Reagan ? 隆納.雷根

$ 210 元 原價 210

From his childhood in rural Illinois to moviemaking days in Hollywood and on to a career in politics that took him all the way to the Oval Office, Ronald Reagan kept an abiding faith in America and in what our country stood for. The oldest president ever, he survived a near-fatal assassination attempt and lived to be 93. Who Was Ronald Reagan? covers his life and times in a balanced, entertaining way for children. More than 100 black-and-white illustrations fill out the portrait of our fortieth president.

美國前總統 雷根 踏入政壇前,雷根也曾擔任過運動廣播員、救生員、報社專欄作家、電影演員、和勵志講師,他的演說風格高明而極具說服力,被媒體譽為「偉大的溝通者」。雷根的總統任期影響了美國1980年代的文化,使得1980年代也常被稱為「雷根時代」。

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