Dear Dumb Diary #8: It's Not My Fault I Know Everything 呆呆日記 8:大家都有祕密日記? | 拾書所

Dear Dumb Diary #8: It's Not My Fault I Know Everything 呆呆日記 8:大家都有祕密日記?

$ 210 元 原價 210
It's an eventful month for Jamie Kelly. Stinker and Stickybuns' litter of puppies has arrived -- which makes Jamie and her nemesis Angeline "in-laws by dog." Ugh. Jamie's class at Mackerel Middle School is doing a unit on journal-writing, and someone's diary falls into the wrong hands. But worst of all, Angeline and Isabella are becoming . . . friends. Dear Dumb Diary, It's not my fault I know everything.

Okay, I don't know where Timbuktu is, but I refuse to know that. Even if somebody told me, I would flush my brain like a thought-potty and wave goodbye to Timbuktu as it swirled down my brain hole. I know everything that I WANT to know.

小心,柯潔美要大反擊了!這一次,換她來偷看大家的日記啦 ~ 猜猜看,誰的日記最精采又爆笑?



 Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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