Who Was Daniel Boone? 尼爾.布恩 | 拾書所

Who Was Daniel Boone? 尼爾.布恩

$ 210 元 原價 210

Called the "Great Pathfinder", Daniel Boone is most famous for opening up the West to settlers through Kentucky. A symbol of America's pioneering spirit Boone was a skilled outdoorsman and an avid reader although he never attended school. Sydelle Kramer skillfully recounts Boone's many adventures such as the day he rescued his own daughter from kidnappers.

被稱為“偉大的拓荒者”的Daniel Boone,他最著名的紀錄就是成功通過Kentucky,拓展了荒野之路。成為美國開拓精神代表的Boone,他不但擅於戶外活動,更是個熱愛閱讀的人,即便他不曾上過學。作者Sydelle Kramer講述了Boone許多的冒險經歷,像是他從綁匪手中將女兒解救出來的那一天…

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