Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? 沃夫岡.阿瑪迪斯.莫札特 | 拾書所

Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? 沃夫岡.阿瑪迪斯.莫札特

$ 210 元 原價 210

Born in Austria in 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his first piece of music, a minuet, when he was just five years old! Soon after, he was performing for kings and emperors. Although he died at the young age of thirty-five, Mozart left a legacy of more than 600 works.

This fascinating biography charts the musician's extraordinary career and personal life while painting a vivid cultural history of eighteenth-century Europe. Black-and-white illustrations on every spread explore such topics as the history of opera and the evolution of musical instruments. There is also a timeline and a bibliography.

沃夫根.阿瑪迪斯.莫札特被認為是18世紀末最偉大的音樂家。 莫札特三歲便展現出他音樂奇特才能,他不僅具備絕對音準更有超出常人的記憶力。莫札特隨父母經常在歐洲做演出旅行,因此莫札特小時候大半的時間都在旅行及演奏渡過。也因為這樣,他得以很廣泛地接觸到當時歐洲各地不同的音樂,所以這些都成為他作曲的最大資源。

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