Foundations Reading Library 7-2: Do It! 籃球科學實驗 | 拾書所

Foundations Reading Library 7-2: Do It! 籃球科學實驗

$ 205 元 原價 205

Ryan Loves basketball and dislikes Kenji, who doesn't.   So when their teacher forces them to work together on a science presentation, they don't want to.   Keniji finds a way to help them both.   What is his idea?

Ryan喜歡打籃球且他討厭Kenji,而Kenji不喜歡打籃球。因此,當老師強迫他們一起做科學報告時,他們一點也不想。 Keniji找到了一種方法來解決這個問題。他的想法是什麼呢?

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