Who Was Pablo Picasso? 巴勃羅.畢卡索 | 拾書所

Who Was Pablo Picasso? 巴勃羅.畢卡索

$ 210 元 原價 210

Over a long, turbulent life, Picasso continually discovered new ways of seeing the world and translating it into art. A restless genius, he went through a blue period, a rose period, and a Cubist phase. He made collages, sculptures out of everyday objects, and beautiful ceramic plates. True Kelley's engaging biography is a wonderful introduction to modern art.

在漫長而動蕩的生活裡,畢卡索仍持續以新視野來探索世界並將其轉化為藝術。一個不安現狀的天才,經歷了藍色時期,玫瑰時期和立體派時期。他製作拼貼畫、從日常用品取材來雕塑以及美麗的陶藝創作。本書作者True Kelley所寫的傳記將帶領大家進入一趟完美的現代藝術之旅。

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