Who Was Franklin Roosevelt? 富蘭克林.德拉諾.羅斯福 | 拾書所

Who Was Franklin Roosevelt? 富蘭克林.德拉諾.羅斯福

$ 210 元 原價 210

Although polio left him wheelchair bound, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office during the Great Depression and served as president during World War II. Elected four times, he spent thirteen years in the White House. How he led the country through tremendously difficult problems, much like the ones facing America today, makes for a timely and engrossing biography.

雖然脊髓灰質炎導致Franklin Delano Roosevelt必須坐輪椅,但他在經濟大恐慌時期就職,並在第二次世界大戰期間擔任總統。他當選了四次,並在白宮度過了十三年。他是如何領導這個國家突破如當今美國也遭遇到的困境的呢?這是本亙古通今都很適合閱讀且引人入勝的傳記!

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