Twenties Girl | 拾書所

Twenties Girl

$ 280 元 原價 280
●Lara Langton has always had an overactive imagination, but suddenly that imagination seems to be in overdrive. Normal professional twenty-something young women don get visited by ghosts. Or do they?●When the spirit of Lara great-aunt Sadie feisty, demanding girl with firm ideas about fashion, love, and the right way to dance mysteriously appears, she has one last request: Lara must find a missing necklace that had been in Sadie possession for more than seventy-five years, and Sadie cannot rest without it. Lara, on the other hand, has a number of ongoing distractions. ●Her best friend and business partner has run off to Goa, her start-up company is floundering, and she just been dumped by the perfect? Man. ●為了尋找一條神祕的項鍊,兩個來自不同時空的女孩,展開一段爆笑又感人的情誼 ●萊拉的想像力一向很豐富,可是她現在開始懷疑自己是不是精神有問題。一般二十多歲的女孩應該不會遇到鬼啊!可是很奇怪,莎蒂姨婆的鬼魂卻找上萊拉。莎蒂姨婆的鬼魂是個活潑有趣、迷人任性的女孩,對時尚、愛情和跳舞都有自己的一套看法。她突然神祕地出現,要求萊拉幫她找一條遺失的項鍊。如果沒有這條項鍊,她就無法安息。可是萊拉自己的問題已經讓她很頭痛──她剛成立的公司快倒了、她最要好的朋友兼創業伙伴跑去印度度假不回來、她摯愛的男友剛甩了她……

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