Reading Builder 1 (with CD) | 拾書所

Reading Builder 1 (with CD)

$ 395 元 原價 395
Reading Builder是一套專為英語為外國語言的學生所設計的學習閱讀技巧的教材。
★ 每冊都包含多樣性的文章,類型包括敘事性故事,書信,報章,廣告等等。
★ 每篇閱讀都有多樣性的聽、說、讀、寫四個領域的練習題。
★ 每個單元以閱讀理解及字彙練習來加強其閱讀技巧。
★ 與主題相關的問題幫助引導學習者寫出他們自己的經驗。
★ 有趣的對話提出學生對話練習的範例。
透過Reading Builder讓閱讀英語變得更流暢。
◆ 全套三冊,每冊均附CD
◆ 全彩的圖片及文章 
◆ 閱讀、寫作、口說、寫作全方位的練習 
◆ 配有生動活潑的錄音及聽力練習 
◆ 免費下載的輔助教學資源


Reading Builder is a three-level series designed for pre-Intermediate to Intermediate EFL students to expand their reading skills. To engage the interest of learners, each book in the series contains a variety of reading forms including fictional stories, letters, articles, advertisement, and more. In addition, each reading passage is accompanied by a variety of exercises utilizing all four language skills. Each unit includes comprehension and vocabulary questions to enhance reading skills, topic-related question prompts to help students write about their own experiences, a thematically-related dialog to give students guided speaking practice, and note-taking and completion exercises for listening comprehension. The Reading Builder series carefully controls the progression of grammar, vocabulary, and passage length while maintaining engaging and thought-provoking reading material. Students will enjoy improving their fluency in English with Reading Builder.

Features of the series:
- Full-color illustrations and photos
- Activities for reading, listening, speaking, and writing
- Diverse reading formats presented throughout
- Free accompanying audio CD for listening activities
- Free downloadable supplemental material

Average Word Count:
- Book 1: 200
- Book 2: 225
- Book 3: 250

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