Scholastic ELT Reader Level 3: Queen (Book+CD) (黛妃與女皇) | 拾書所

Scholastic ELT Reader Level 3: Queen (Book+CD) (黛妃與女皇)

$ 240 元 原價 240

“Tradition prepared her. Change will define her.”

Great Britain, 1997. The Labour Party are in power for the first time in eighteen years and, for a time, the mood in Great Britain is buoyant. However, as news of the tragic death of Princess Diana rocks the country, Queen Elizabeth II struggles with her reaction and finds herself with difficult personal and professional decisions to make.

With Fact Files on the film, the British monarchy and Princess Diana.


悲劇一發生,以英國女皇為中心的保守傳統英國皇室,與機智重形象的新任首相布萊爾彼此之間缺乏共識,結果造成激烈明爭暗鬥的情景,雙方周旋於秘密和公開、責任和情感、因循和行動等對立態度。同時,沈浸於悲傷情緒的英國人民也冷眼旁觀英國皇室對於此一事件的反應。 電影內容就是以震驚當代英國社會的轟動事件為主題,精彩描述皇室在黛安娜王妃過世後與英國首相布萊爾及情緒激動的廣大英國人民之間的衝突互動關係,這現象反映了皇室權力的快速消退,首相地位的提高,以及英國步向民主、開放新形象的轉變動力。

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