Who Was Harriet Tubman? 哈莉特·塔布曼 (黑摩西) | 拾書所

Who Was Harriet Tubman? 哈莉特·塔布曼 (黑摩西)

$ 210 元 原價 210
Born a slave in Maryland, Harriet Tubman knew first-hand what it meant to be someone's property; she was whipped by owners and almost killed by an overseer. It was from other field hands that she first heard about the Underground Railroad which she travelled by herself north to Philadelphia. Throughout her long life (she died at the age of ninety-two) and long after the Civil War brought an end to slavery, this amazing woman was proof of what just one person can do.

哈莉特·塔布曼(Harriet Tubman 1822年 ?月?日 – 1913年3月10日)是美國廢奴主義者,傑出的黑人廢奴主義運動家。她本人就是一個逃跑的奴隸,幫助許多黑人奴隸逃亡,在地下鐵路中,她的化名為「摩西」,她冒著南方重金懸賞緝捕的危險,多次潛回馬里蘭州帶領逃亡奴隸,曾先後回去138次,親自救出3000多名奴隸。

 Age Range: 8 - 12 years

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