Screamfree Parenting 管脾氣不要管小孩 | 拾書所

Screamfree Parenting 管脾氣不要管小孩

$ 420 元 原價 420
●Every kid wants to have cool parents. This does not mean parents hip to the latest styles, nor parents with no rules whatsoever.
What every kid really wants are parents who are able to keep their cool no matter what. Kids want parents who are far less anxious and far more levelheaded than they are.
Your kids want you to remain unflappable, even when they flip out.
Turns out, that exactly what they need.
Screamfree Parenting is the principle-based relationship approach that inspiring parents everywhere to truly revolutionize their families.
Throwing away many of the child-centered technique-based approaches, the ScreamFree way compels you to instead focus on yourself, grow yourself up and calm yourself down.
By calming down and still remaining connected to your kids, you begin to operate less out of your deepest fears and more out of your highest principles, transforming your family relationships to new levels in the process.

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