Barack Obama: United States President (6-8 years) | 拾書所

Barack Obama: United States President (6-8 years)

$ 175 元 原價 175

On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama made history with his election as the first African-American President of the United States. Now our bestselling reader, Barack Obama: An American Story, has a post-election subtitle and is a third longer, including new information on the campaign and election as well as new photos. It's the perfect book for primary graders who want to know all about the 44th president.



2008 年 11 月 4 日,巴拉克‧歐巴馬贏得美國總統大選,成為美國史上第一個非裔美國總統,就此締造新歷史。本書為《Barack Obama: An American Story》這本暢銷書,增加了選後的副標題,而且書本內容增長三分之一,其中包含競選活動的新資訊與照片。此書非常適合想瞭解美國第四十四屆總統的小學一年級學生。


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