1,2,3 Suddenly in Brazil | 拾書所

1,2,3 Suddenly in Brazil

$ 280 元 原價 280
On Martin's magic journey to Brazil, his first stop is a rain forest, where he sees brightly feathered tropical birds and unusual animals and plant life. Next he visits the city of Rio de Janeiro and its famous Copacabana beach, then on to a carnival festival in the city of Salvador de Bahia. Later, he visits Brazil's national parks and tours the Amazon River basin.

馬汀的神奇之旅來到了巴西,他的第一站是雨林。在雨林裡,他看到色彩鮮豔的熱帶鳥類,以及稀有獨特的動植物。接著,他拜訪了里約熱內盧與當地著名的科帕卡巴納海灘〈Copacabana beach〉,然後參加巴伊雅州薩爾瓦多市的嘉年華會。隨後,他還參觀了巴西的國家公園以及亞馬遜河流域。

 Age Range: 6 - 10 years

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