True Things (Adults Don’t Want Kids to Know)(Ages 9-12) | 拾書所

True Things (Adults Don’t Want Kids to Know)(Ages 9-12)

$ 385 元 原價 385
●The sixth volume starts with a bang: a huge birthday party featuring surprise guests and a special song from Aunt Tanner! It all seems too good to be true, until it turns out . . . it is. Suddenly, Amelia’s friends are fighting all the time. She gets the worst report card of her life. And when she finally musters the guts to tell a certain boy how she feels about him, she brutally learns why it’s called a “crush.” Aunt Tanner would know just what to do—if she were around. But with her new album and maybe a new boyfriend, she doesn’t seem to have time for Amelia anymore. ●第六集一開始就有戲劇性的發展!這場盛大的生日派對上有神秘嘉賓,妲納阿姨還特別準備一首歌送給艾蜜莉亞。一切看起來非常美好,完美到讓人覺得太夢幻,但……現實和幻想總是有差距。艾蜜莉亞的朋友們從頭到尾都在吵架;她拿到有史以來最糟的一次成績;還有,她好不容易鼓起勇氣向一位男孩表白,也被殘酷的拒絕了。如果妲納阿姨在她身邊,一定知道怎麼處理這些事。可是,妲納阿姨要發行新專輯,加上可能交了新男朋友,她根本沒時間理艾蜜莉亞。

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