The Christmas Rat | 拾書所

The Christmas Rat

$ 210 元 原價 210
●Anje's got all the normal stuff an exterminator needs — roach powders and smoke bombs — but he also carries some extra equipment: a crossbow and metal-tipped arrows that can penetrate concrete walls and will annihilate any creature with which they come in contact. Anje's number one target? Rats. 安傑準備了蟑螂藥、煙霧彈這種一般滅蟲所需要的用品。除此之外,他也帶上了很厲害的裝備,就是十字弓和有金屬箭頭的飛箭。這些配備的威力可以穿透一整片水泥牆,任何一種生物與之相接觸則立刻滅絕殆盡。安傑的頭號殲滅目標呢?是那些老鼠。

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