Just Listen | 拾書所

Just Listen

$ 385 元 原價 385
●when Annabel, the youngest of three beautiful sisters, has a bitter falling out with her best friend—the popular and exciting Sophie—she suddenly finds herself isolated and friendless. but then she meets owen—a loner, passionate about music and his weekly radio show, and always determined to tell the truth. And when they develop a friendship, Annabel is not only introduced to new music but is encouraged to listen to her own inner voice. with owen's help, can Annabel find the courage to speak out about what exactly happened the night her friendship with Sophie came to a screeching halt? ●三個漂亮姐妹中最小的安娜貝爾和最要好的朋友——活躍的蘇菲——吵架鬧翻以後,她發現自己被排擠了,沒有任何朋友。不過,她遇見了獨來獨往的歐文,歐文熱愛音樂和他每週的音樂秀,他還堅持不說謊。安娜貝爾和他成了好朋友,歐文不僅介紹安娜貝爾新的音樂也鼓勵她傾聽自己的內心。透過歐文的引導,安娜貝爾是否能鼓起勇氣說出到底那晚她和蘇菲發生了什麼事情,讓她們的友情走到這步田地呢?



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