Shimmer: A Riley Bloom Book (Ages: 9-12) | 拾書所

Shimmer: A Riley Bloom Book (Ages: 9-12)

$ 280 元 原價 280
●Having solved the matter of the Radiant Boy, Riley, Buttercup, and Bodhi are enjoying a well-deserved vacation. When Riley comes across a vicious black dog, against Bodhi’s advice, she decides to cross him over. While following the dog, she runs into a young ghost named Rebecca. Despite Rebecca’s sweet appearance, Riley soon learns she’s not at all what she seems. As the daughter of a former plantation owner, she is furious about being murdered during a slave revolt in 1733. Mired in her own anger, Rebecca is lashing out by keeping the ghosts who died along with her trapped in their worst memories. Can Riley help Rebecca forgive and forget without losing herself to her own nightmarish memories? ●在解決了光芒男孩的事件後,萊莉與她的小狗「奶油杯」和男孩波弟正在享受他們應得的假期。萊莉遇見一隻凶狠的黑狗,她不聽波弟的勸告,決定要背棄波弟。當萊莉尾隨著這隻黑狗時,她遇上了一名年輕女孩的鬼魂,名叫蕾蓓卡。蕾蓓卡看上去應該是個甜美的可人兒,不久萊莉才發現事實上根本不是如此。蕾蓓卡生前是一名農場主人的女兒,死於一場1773年的奴隸暴動,她一直對此憤恨不平。陷於怒氣中的她發動攻擊,把與她同時死去的鬼魂禁錮在他們生前最痛苦的回憶中。萊莉能否幫助蕾蓓卡原諒殺害她的人並且忘記生前的痛苦,而萊莉自己又不會陷入有如噩夢般的回憶中呢?


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