A First Look at: Do I Have to Go to the Dentist? 我要去看牙醫嗎?(Ages: 4-8) | 拾書所

A First Look at: Do I Have to Go to the Dentist? 我要去看牙醫嗎?(Ages: 4-8)

$ 245 元 原價 245

品格教養 認知學習 給孩子完美的身心成長


BARRON’S 出版,親子共讀話題
● 孩子的好奇、體驗、困難、挑戰、分享、感受、認知、禮貌......等等,涵蓋多種話題的教養推薦用書!
● 成長環境我們無法選擇,品德修養卻是能靠後天培養!
● 父母、孩子不敢跨出的那一歨,就讓這些共讀叢書搭起愛的溝通橋梁!

專為學齡前和兒童所寫的成長系列《A First Look at》,鼓勵孩子體驗新事物、用心感受生活、發覺感受,如《I Can Make a Difference》、《I Miss You》等等。更設計許多特別主題,擴展孩子對於一些特殊狀況的認知。如《Stop Picking on Me》探討遇到行為言語霸凌時,該如何面對與解決;《Don’t Call Me Special》讓孩子對於行動不便的孩子,擁有同理心並學會適時幫助;《My Family's Changing》鼓勵孩子面對家庭發生變化、父母離婚時,勇於表達自己的感受,避免成長陰影。

文|敦煌書局 2016.02

小孩有很多的方式學習勇敢,但並不是常常在電視上看到的冒險故事都能讓他們去嘗試。其中讓小孩保持勇敢的方式就是試著讓他們發現困難,並讓他們試到成功為止。他們學習一些新事物時會感到害怕是正常的,但他們要勇敢的做出正確的事情,就算那感覺不舒服或是害怕的。這是巴倫出版社新出的成長系列名叫《A First Look at》,此本書是專為學齡前和兒童所寫。本系列功能鼓勵男孩和女孩發覺他們的感受,在他們的生活面對新的挑戰,和與他們信任的大人討論如何處理讓他們困擾的事。在書籍的每一頁都有彩色插圖。本書的最後都有給爸媽的建議。

Children learn that there are many ways of being brave, but not all of them involve the kinds of action they often see in TV adventure stories. One way for kids to be brave is to keep trying at something that they find difficult--trying until they succeed. They learn that it is normal to be scared of some things, and that having courage is daring to do the right thing, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary. This new title in Barron's growing series of A First Look at... books is written especially for preschool and early-grades children. Books in this series feature sensitively written stories that encourage boys and girls to explore their feelings, face new challenges in their lives, and talk to trusted elders about how to deal with things that bother them. The books feature child-friendly color illustrations on every page. An advice to parents section appears at the end of each book.

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