English Unlimited Advanced Self-study Pack (Workbook with DVD-ROM) | 拾書所

English Unlimited Advanced Self-study Pack (Workbook with DVD-ROM)

$ 880 元 原價 880

自我學習練習包(含練習本 & DVD):


◎ 五大技能齊備 除「聽、說、讀、寫」四技,特別加入第五大技能―「跨國際文化語言學習」,國際文化涵養更宏觀。

◎ 符合CEF 分級 內容完整包含六個級數,老師備課更全面。

◎ 多元化學習各國口音 配合國際英語課程,提供多國英語口音,學習英語更多元。

The English Unlimited Self-study Pack consists of a Workbook with DVD-ROM and enables learners to consolidate and build upon the work done in the classroom. 

The Workbook DVD-ROM - in addition to over 300 interactive practice activities - includes video for every unit featuring international speakers; a self-recording and playback tool for pronunciation practice; animated clips offering speaking practice in everyday situations; and customisable ‘QuickCheck’ tests to monitor progress.

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