The Descendants 後裔 | 拾書所

The Descendants 後裔

$ 525 元 原價 525
●Fortunes have changed for the King family, descendants of Hawaiian royalty and one of the state’s largest landowners. Matthew King’s daughters—Scottie, a feisty ten-year-old, and Alex, a seventeen-year-old recovering drug addict—are out of control, and their charismatic, thrill-seeking mother, Joanie, lies in a coma after a boat-racing accident. She will soon be taken off life support. As Matt gathers his wife’s friends and family to say their final goodbyes, a difficult situation is made worse by the sudden discovery that there’s one person who hasn’t been told: the man with whom Joanie had been having an affair. Forced to examine what they owe not only to the living but to the dead, Matt, Scottie, and Alex take to the road to find Joanie’s lover, on a memorable journey that leads to unforeseen humor, growth, and profound revelations. ●電影上映日期:2012/02/17 片名: 繼承人生 ●榮獲第69屆金球獎五項提名,美國電影學會2011年度十大美國電影。 ●由喬治庫隆尼和茱蒂吉兒主演,描述為了「家」,感傷的父親作出驚人的決定… 也在這段過程中,父親和孩子們重新體驗到人生的另一個新境界.... ●才一轉眼時間,金家的命運起了大轉折。主人翁金馬修貴為夏威夷王室後裔,也是全國數一數二的房地產大亨,下有二女,小女兒史嘉娣天性毛毛躁躁,今年十歲,長女愛莉克斯芳年十七,正在戒毒,兩個女兒個性難駕馭,為父的金馬修管不動。金家女主人潔安妮迷人又外向,一生追求刺激,在一場船艇追撞意外發生後,陷入昏迷,長睡不醒。在拿掉潔安妮的生命維持器前,馬修找來潔安妮的親朋好友和她道別,而原本哀傷的場面竟因為還有一個人未獲知此事而雪上加霜,這個人是潔安妮生前共譜一段戀曲的一名男子。馬修帶著兩個女兒——史嘉娣和愛莉克絲——踏上找尋潔安妮生前戀人的旅途,被迫面對盤結糾纏的過往。這趟旅程令父女三人永生難忘,不但意外地帶給他們歡笑,也令他們共同成長,並且得到深刻的啟示。


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