※最新 Objective PET 模考包 第二版內含:
1. Objective PET 第二版的學生課本 (無解答)-- 共有30個單元。並新增 "Corpus spot" 單元,提醒考生應試 PET 時常犯錯誤。
2. CD-ROM-- 提供額外的互動式練習活動,並內含一份完整的 PET 模擬試題。
3. PET for Schools 模擬考題本 (無解答、無 CD)-- 內含兩份實體完整 PET 模擬試題。
這是屬於針對劍橋中級英語認證 PET 或 CEF B1 為學習目標的英語課程教科書。
Objective 系列是為學生完成為劍橋英語檢定的準備教材,課程設計結合語言發展機制和系統式整合練習,讓學生在短期之內能有顯著英語能力進步。 課程與內容更涵蓋各式各樣與考試相關的討論話題以及模擬試題,是考試必備的準備書。
Objective PET Second edition is a completely updated and revised edition of the best-selling Objective PET course. This edition includes several great new features, including brand new 'Corpus spots' which alert students to common mistakes made by PET candidates. The Student's Book now includes a CD-ROM for extra language practice, including one complete printable PET practice test. The accompanying website includes an additional printable PET practice test.
This Pack contains the Student's Book with CD-ROM and the PET for Schools Practice Test Booklet without answers.
A Teacher's Book, Workbooks and a set of three Audio CDs are also available.